dvzllek a honlapomon! Az oldal mg csak most nylt, szval nincsen rajta nagyon sok dolog, de megprblok majd minl tbbet frissteni! =) Nagyon sok sajt rs dolog van a honlapon! Sajt kszts munkkat is szvesen fogadok, pl.: fejlcek, design szettek, fan fiction, kpek, rajzok stb. Amit csak gondolsz. Grafikai cuccok is fel fognak kerlni, idvel. Remlem elgedettek lesztek a munkmmal! (A honlapot nem fogom hirdetni, mert feleslegesnek tallom. A ltogatk azrt jjjenek, hogy informcit szerezzenek vagy ppen valami ms dolgot csinljanak.) Copyright (C) ks-fan.gp A lopsrl...teht nem kellene lopni, mert azt tudjtok elg csnya szoks, avagy dolog.^^Akit szre veszek hogy lopott annak slyos kvetkezmnye lehet [pl.: portltrls]! A honlapon szerepl dolgok ltalban sajt rs, de ha valami nem az enym, azt elkrtem s megjelentettem a honlapjt a "Main" menben!
INFORMATION Editor: Mikomi Opened: 2010.09.22. Design by: Mikomi Codes by:LidoDesign
Mirt? Nagyon j effektusok lthat benne s a suzumiya haruhi no yuutsu az egyik kedvenc animm. Nagyon j rszletek vannak benne, sok bennk a vicces rsz, de nagyon tall! I recommend it for everyone! =)
machi no hitogomi kata ga butsukatte hitoribocchi
hatenai sougen kaze ga BYUNBYUN to hitoribocchi
docchi darou? nakitakunaru basho wa
futatsu MARU wo tsukete choppiri OTONA sa [1]
In a crowd on a city street, shoulders bumping, I'm alone
In an endless prairie, wind blowing hard, I'm alone
I wonder which is the place I'd want to cry?
Drawing two circles, I feel just a little grown-up. [1]
MECHAMECHA kurushii kabe datte fui ni naze ka
buchikowasu yuuki to power waite kuru no wa
MECHAMECHA kibishii hito-tachi ga fui ni miseta
yasashisa no sei dattari suru n darou ne
A � RI � GA �TO � U � GO � ZA � I � masu!
Why does the gushing forth of courage and power
unexpectedly smash the extremely tortuous wall?
Perhaps it's because of the kindness
extremely stern people had unexpectedly shown.
T - h - a - n - k - Y - o - u!
imamade nankai yoroshiku to genki ni sakenda darou
ima made nankai sayonara to naite wakareta darou
docchi darou? kurabete ooikazu wa
naka ni IKO-RU kaite choppiri OTONA sa
Wonder how many times we lively yelled "Nice to meet you"
Wonder how many times we parted, sobbing "Farewell."
Wonder which one is more, if I compare?
Writing an equals sign, I feel just a little grown-up.
MECHAMECHA kanashii toki datte fui ni naze ka
norikoeru yuuki to power waite-kuru no wa
MECHAMECHA yasashii hito-tachi ga fui ni miseta
kibishisa no sei dattari suru n darou ne
A � RI � GA �TO � U � GO � ZA � I � masu!
Why does the gushing forth of courage and power
unexpectedly surpass even extremely sad times?
Perhaps it's because of the sternness
extremely kind people had unexpectedly shown.
T - h - a - n - k - Y - o - u!
MECHAMECHA kurushii kabe datte fui ni naze ka
buchikowasu yuuki to power waite-kuru no wa
MECHAMECHA kibishii hito-tachi ga fui ni miseta
yasashisa no sei dattari suru n darou ne
A � RI � GA �TO � U � GO � ZA � I � masu!
Why does the gushing forth of courage and power
unexpectedly break even the extremely tortuous wall?
Perhaps it's because of the kindness
extremely stern people had unexpectedly shown.
T - h - a - n - k - Y - o - u!
MECHAMECHA tanoshii toki datte wasurenai yo
itsu made mo yuuki to power nakusanai yo
MECHAMECHA hitoribocchi no hito ni ageru
kuchibiru no uragawa ni kakushite aru
HO � HO � E � MI � NO � BA � KU � DAN!
I won't forget the really fun times.
I'll never lose this courage and power.
I'll give the extremely lonely person
something hiding behind my lips:
A - Smi - le - That's - A - Bomb!
Homework ga Owaranai
The Homework Never Ends
Kon'ya mo togatta byoushin Toki wo kirikizande 'ru
chi chi chi.........
Itsu made mo katazukanai Hoomuwaaku nagedashi
Korogaru yume na n' da yo Oikakete itai no wa
Tomareba nigete yuku yo Ki wo nuicha dame na no sa
Sou sa Yakusoku wa tsumi Sakki mo kyanseru no beru
Ru Ru Ru..........
Itsu made mo miete konai Kimi wa Mebiusu no Goal
Namida mo nai hito to wa Tsukiaitaku nai no sa
Kanashimi daite 'ru toki Kono de hikiyosetai
Korogaru yume na n' da yo Oikakete itai no wa
Ashita wa aozamete mo Itsu ka tsukande miseru
Korogaru yume na n' da yo Oikakete itai no wa
Tomareba nigete yuku yo Ki wo nuicha dame na no sa
Sayonara Bye Bye
Original / Romaji Lyrics
English Translation
Fukkiru hazu no kokoro ni sotto yokogiru kaze wa yasashiku
Mukaiatte nigitta te to te wo itsumo tasogare ga tsutsumi tokashite yuku
Okashii ne Kore-botchi mo nite inai anata to watashi no egao ima dewa
Kagami wo mite 'ru you na kibun
The gently crossing wind is kind
to this would-be cut up heart
The twilight always covers and
melts our grasping hands.
So strange...they don't match...
our smiling faces now.
It's more like looking into a mirror.
Kanashimanai Heiki da kara ne
Nanige nai aisatsu ni kakurete 'ru "arigatou"
Sayonara byebye Genki de ite ne
Watashi kara kiridashita kejime da kara kyatchi shite yo
This isn't sad...it's alright.
Hidden in this nonchalant greeting
is a thank you.
Sayonara bye bye, please stay well
Catch this cut-off distinction from me.
Tsuisakki made matomo ni mirai no koto hanasenai de ita
Minoranai omoi no kazu fueru hodo yasashiku natte kita keredo
Ima dake sukoshi kurai wa togaritakute...
Until just a little before now,
we couldn't have spoken
about the future with any seriousness
To the extent that these unripened
thoughts increased,
you'd become nicer.
Though, just now, that seems to have soured.
Kanashimanai Sorosoro iku yo
Tawai nai aisatsu to machigaete furikaeru
Sayonara byebye Genki de ite ne
Nen ni ni-mai kurai no hagaki nara kyatchi suru yo
This isn't sad, I'll be going about now.
You mistake this greeting for a joke and
look back.
Sayonara bye bye, please stay well.
If there're just two postcards a year,
I'll catch them.
Kitto itsuka itsuka aeru
Ii yo Kaesanakute ii yo CD mo burusu hapu mo
Surely...someday. SOMEDAY,
we'll be able to meet again.
It's okay...if you don't return them...it's okay...
the CDs and Blues' harp.
Kanashimanai Kanashimanai de
Fui uchi wo kurau kao misenai de pi to shina yo
It's not sad...don't be sad.
Don't make a face like this was a surprise
Sayonara byebye Genki de ite ne
Omedetou to dochira ieru toki atte mitai
Sayonara bye bye, please stay well
When one of us can say congratulations,
let's try to meet again.
Kanashimanai Heiki da kara ne
Nanige nai aisatsu ni kakurete 'ru "arigatou"
Sayonara byebye Genki de ite ne
Watashi kara kiridashita kejime da kara kyatchi shite yo
This isn't sad...it's alright.
Hidden in this nonchalant greeting
is a thank you.
Sayonara bye bye, please stay well
Catch this cut-off distinction from me.
Sayonara byebye Genki de ite ne
Nen ni ni-mai kurai no hagaki nara kyatchi suru yo
Sayonara bye bye, please stay well.
If there're just two postcards a year,
I'll catch them.
Sayonara byebye Genki de ite ne
Watashi kara kiridashita kejime da kara kyatchi shite yo
Sayonara bye bye, please stay well
Catch this cut-off distinction from me.