1. Surprised to be Dead
A prbattel
2. Koenma Appears
rdg vagy angyal
3. Kuwabara:A Promise Between Men
Egy mindenkirt, mindenki egyrt
4. Requirements For Lovers
Kettn ll a szeretet
5. Yusuke's Back
Yusuke visszatr
6. Three Monsters
7. Gouki and Kurama
8. The Three Eyes of Hiei
A bvs kard
9. The Search Begins
Kutats indul
10. Kuwabara's Spirit Sword
Kuwabara s a csodakard
11. Hard Fights for Yusuke
A nagy ellentmads
12. Rando Rises,Kuwabara Falls
Rando sznre lp
13. Yusuke vs. Rando:99 Attacks
Titkos fegyver
14. The Beasts of Maeze Castle
Az elvarzsolt kastly 1.rsz
15. Genbu,The Stone Beast
Az elvarzsolt kastly 2.rsz
16. Byakko,The White Tiger
A fehr tigris
17. Byakko's Liar
18. Seriyu,The Blue Dragon
A harmadik bestia
19. Suzaku,Leader of the Beasts
A fekete villm
20. Seven Days to Die
Titokzatos harcmodor
21. Yusuke's Sacrifice
Yusuke bosszja
22. Lamenting Beauty
A gyngyfakaszt
23. The Toguro Brothers Gang
A sttsg hrnke
24. The Deadly Triad
A dmoni hrmas
25. Kuwabara Fight of Love
Az utols menet
26. Toguro Returns
A testvrek visszatrnek
27. The Dark Tournament Begins
A titokzatos verseny
28. First Fight
A harc elkezddik
29. Flowers of Blood
Vr s virg
30. Dragon of the Darkness Flame
Semmi sem tkletes
31. Stumbling Warrior
A rszeges mester
32. Knife Edge Death-Match
Pengelen tncolva
33. A Day in Waiting
A harc folytatdik
34. Percentage of Victory
Eslytelen eslyesek
35. Glimpse Beneath the Mask
Ki rejtzik a maszk mgtt?
36. Ambition Destroyed:A Trail of Light
Tiszta llekkel
37. Master of Disguise
A rejtlyes ellenfl
38. Kurama's Stand
A mgikus festk
39. Crushing Revenge
Kd eltte, kd utna
40. Jin,the Wind Master
A mindent elspr kzdelem
41. Reverse Decisions
Vratlan fordulat
42. A Matter of Love and Death
A szerelem erejvel
43. The Masked Figther Revealed
larc mgtt
44. Yusuke's Final Test
A vgs prbattel
45. Hiei Battle On
Harc a vgskig
46. Many Faces,Many Forms
47. Legendary Bandit:Yoko Kurama
A legends bandita
48. The Cape of No Return
Az eltntets mestere
49. Genkai's Strength
Hsies kzdelem
50. Suzuki's Challenge
A varzstkr
51. Arch-Rivals
Az sellensg
52. The Death of Genkai
Lgy ers,Yusuke!
53. Overcoming Grief
Genkai zenete
54. The Beginning of the End
Kezddik a finl
55. The Beast Within
Az ezst rka feltmad
56. Yoko's Magic
Vgs csaps
57. Beneath Bui's Armor
A pncl
58. Wielder of the Dragon
A fekete srkny
59. The Shadow of Elder Toguro
Knyrtelen tkmag
60. Sakyo's Proposal
Rejtett kpessg
61. Yusuke vs. Toguro
Titnok harca
62. Toguro's Full Power
Ernek erejvel
63. Yusuke's Despair
Tbb a soknl
64. Toguro's Desire
A vgs roham
65. Out With a Bang
66. Toguro's Wish
Bn s bnhds
67. Return to the Living World
Valami kszl
68. Setting the Trap
Az elvarzsolt hz
69. The Power of Taboo
Tbbet sszel, mint ervel
70. Genkai's Ruse
A kamleon
71. The Tunnel
Az tjr
72. The Reader
Az agyfrksz
73. The Doctor's Disease
Gonosz doki
74. Sleep,Doctor,Sleep
75. Caught in the Rain
A vz mestere
76. Kuwabara:Awakening
Kuwabara visszavg
77. Sensui's Fall
Elttem az utdom
78. Divide and Conguer
Oszd meg s uralkodj!
79. The Human Race
l clpont
80. Moving Target
Vgzet ngy kerken
81. Let the Games Begin
A jtkbarlang
82. If You Could Play Forever
A jtkmester kzbelp
83. Game Over
Bnt flelem
84. Kurama's Anger,Gourmet's Guert
Haragnak haragjval
85. Spirit Detective Showdown
Hallos pros
86. The Difference Maker
A gonosz elszabadul
87. Power Between the Teeth
Mindent a harcrt
88. The True Face of Sensui
Szrnyek erejvel
89. Death of a Spirit Detective
90. Attempting Revenge
Irny az alvilg
91. Waking the Lost
92. The Prog
Egy klns hang
93. Sensui's End
Menni vagy maradni
94. Topside
Az let megy tovbb
95. Yusuke's Desting
Az alvilg hrnke
96. Three Strangers,Three Kings
Keser dnts
97. Departing Living World
Isten veletek
98. Return to Demon World
A nagy tallkozs
99. Haunted by the Past
A kitasztott fi
100. The Secret of the Jagan
Mester s tantvnya
101. Reunion of the Bandits
102. Torn Between Identites
Kurama csapata
103. Inheritance
Apm akarta
104. Every Demon For Himself
Vratlan ajnlat
105. The Prelimnaries
A selejtez
106. The Battle of Father and Son
Csaldban marad
107. The Demon World Tournament Begins
A legyzttek diadala
108. Farewell,Kurama
Bcs a mlttl
109. Love and War
Kedves ellensgem
110. A Reason to Fight
Dmon vagy szellem?
111. Closure
Az j vezr
112. To The Future
Mi lesz veled Yusuke?